A vast stretch of sand extends as far as the eye can see ahead of you, what was once a hub during the golden age of humans, is now referred to simply as the desert for no-one remembers what lay here previously.
In Sand, you'll take on the role ad a traveler, crossing the desert on your trusty worm to visit the towns to sell your wares and pick up new ones, earning gold for your courier services. You'll need to care for your worm/caterpillar as you go to help it grow and improve your effectiveness. Hire helpful companions and sow seeds along the way to help bring this barren wasteland back to life. Sand is played over a series of turns where you can carry out a variety of actions via the use of a token system giving you access to various dice with which to activate different abilities. Each day is broken down into 3 rounds and at the end of the last round of the final day, the game ends and the player with the most money at the end is the winner.
Will your desert travels be the most lucrative?
1-4 Players