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Get your camera at the ready and travel to the fringes of the wild landscape that is Redwood. Snap photographs of the plethora of flora and fauna that makes up these lands and find the harmony amongst the wildlife to flaunt your skills in capturing the marvels you encounter.


In Redwood, you'll take a top down view to estimate distances based on the components lying flat on the gameboard and table as you try and and collect sets of animals and plants to capture the most harmonious panorama you can. Played over 5 rounds, you'll need to choose templates carefully on your turn to move around and capture the best scenes but without being able to check where they'll fit on the board, you'll need to use your best guess to choose the most appropriate ones. Once you've moved with one template, you'll use your selected lens template to capture a photo of the wildlife in front of you, identifying the landscape in the background and trying to meet the criteria of the revealed objectives for bonus points. 


Can you immortalise the harmony of the wildlife in their natural habitats?


£62.49 Regular Price
£50.99Sale Price
Only 2 left in stock
  • 1-4 Players

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