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In this explosive party game, you'll need to play your cards right and keep luck on your side to end up the last player standing and win the game!


With armageddon in the cards in Exploding Kittens Good vs Evil, you'll need to play cards from your hand to help you or hinder your opponents. When the armageddon card is played, that player immediately takes the GodCat (best ever card!) and DevilCat (an immediate explosion!) and place them facedown 1 each in front of themselves and another player who must then decide without looking at the card whether to keep it or swap it with the other player. Once resolved, reveal the cards and the player with the Devil Cat must play a diffuse card or be out of the game! Your fates are in the hands of the Gods for this one! 


Will you be the last player standing and become the blessed cat to rule them all?

Exploding Kittens Good vs Evil

Out of Stock
  • 2-5 Players

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