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Do you love a good game of Wingspan, though want to see some new artwork than this is the expansion you have been yearning for.


This box provides you with more than 250 alternatively illustrated cards for the game in a variety of different styles. Mechanically these cards are identical to their counterparts in Wingspan and the Europe, Oceania and Asia expansions, though have different illustrations to add a special burst of flavor to tables around the world.


The card box is designed for both storage and recyclability and it will fit into the bottom layer of the nest box. Cards can be mixed into the standard Wingspan set or you can select a few cards to replace the ones you have, or play with just these birds (their percentages correspond closely to those noted on the bonus cards).


Not a standalone game the core game is required to play!

Wingspan Fan Art Expansion

£29.99 Regular Price
£21.99Sale Price
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  • 1-5 Players

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